Laboratory 2: Histograms


The previous laboratory script helped you get going with adding functionality to The routines you will have added while doing that script were all simple ones, little more than calls to single OpenCV routines. This script will go a little further, getting you to calculate and display histograms of images, then use them to segment an image. This leads into a look at colour in the next laboratory.

What is a histogram?

If you're to figure out how to compute a histogram, the first thing to know is what one is. The graph below shows an example one, computed for the image produced by the testimage1 routine in

im = sxcv.testimage1 ()
x, y = sxcv.histogram (im)
sxcv.plot_histogram (x, y, 'testimage')

(You won't be able to run this code yet as you have to write the histogram routine.)

The x-axis (the abscissa) plots all the possible grey-level values that a pixel can have, while the y-axis (the ordinate) gives the count of how many pixels of each grey level were found for the image in question. Note that there are no pixels having a value less than 10 in this histogram, and that some 80 pixels have the value 10.

For a colour image, we could compute a single histogram for all colour bands; but it is generally more useful if we have separate histograms for each band as shown below for sx.jpg:

im = cv2.imread (sys.argv[1])
x, y = sxcv.histogram (im)
sxcv.plot_histogram (x, y, sys.argv[1])

How do you interpret this histogram? Firstly, there are quite a few dark blue and light blue pixels values in the image. The light blue ones are most likely from the pale blue sky, while the dark blue values are probably from the grey values in the building and the rather muddy-coloured water: remember that a grey has red, green and blue components of roughly the same value. The green is most likely from the grass. However, you might be quite surprised by the number of pixels that have a red component, even though nothing in the image appears red. This will again be the red contributions to greyish-looking regions.

You might also ask why there are regularly-spaced comb-like regions in the histogram. These are an aliasing artefact caused by the width of the columns being one grey level wide but the width of the plot on the screen having a number of pixels that isn't a multiple of this value. We shall come back to this at the end of this script.

Computing histograms

You don't have a ready-made histogram routine in, so you will have to write one. As with the routines discussed in the previous laboratory, the starting point is the documentation and tests:

def histogram (im):
    Return a histogram (frequency for each grey level) of the image `im`.
    The maximum pixel value is determined from the image this is use to
    determine the number of grey levels in the plot.

    The first value returned is an array of the grey levels.
    For a monochrome image, the second value returned is a single-index
    array containing the counts for each grey level; but for a colour
    image, it is a two-index array, with the first index selecting the
    channel (colour band) and the second the counts for that band's
    pixel values.

        im (image): image for which the histogram is to be produced

        x (int): grey-level values for the abscissa (x) axis
        y (int): frequency counts for the ordinate (y) axis

        >>> im = testimage1 ()
        >>> x, y = histogram (im)
        >>> print (x)
        [ 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
        >>> print (y)
        [ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 80 13 13  3 13  8]


Rather than get you to implement the entire routine from scratch, we shall here look at some parts of it which you need to combine to produce something that works.

You will see from the above code that histogram is passed in an image and returns two arrays, x giving the grey level values that appear along the abscissa and y the corresponding frequencies.

Let us decide that the lowest value plotted on the abscissa will always be zero. We can find the largest value using the routine highest which you wrote for the first laboratory, and use that to set up the values for the abscissa:

levels = highest (im) + 1
vals = numpy.zeros (levels, dtype=int)
for i in range (0, levels):
    vals[i] = i

You might ask yourself why levels is one more than the value returned by higher --- ask a demonstrator why if you are unsure. The call to numpy.zeros creates a one-dimensional array of length levels which will hold integer values.

If you look at the describe routine, you will see how to tell whether an image is monochrome (one-channel) or contains multiple channels. For a histogram, we need code something like

if len (im.shape) == 2:
    # It's a monochrome image, so we have only one histogram.
    ny, nx = im.shape
    hist = numpy.zeros (levels, dtype=int)

    # It's a multi-channel image, so we have a separate histogram for
    # each of its channels.
    ny, nx, nc = im.shape
    hist = numpy.zeros ((nc,levels), dtype=int)

You will see that the monochrome case sets up a one-dimensional array to hold the frequency counts but the multi-channel case sets up a two-dimensional one which you can think of as an array of histograms, one for each image channel.

To compute the actual histogram, we need to iterate over all the pixels in the image and, for each of them, pull out the grey level value and add one to the relevant element of the hist array. The code for the monochrome case is something like

    for y in range (0, ny):
        for x in range (0, nx):
            v = im[y,x]
            hist[v] += 1

and the colour case is somewhat analogous.

This gives you enough information to write the complete histogram routine, though it requires a little more effort than just cutting and pasting the code. You will see that the template in already has a suitable test, so you can check whether you have it right simply by running the doctests as described in the first script. The plot-histogram routine is provided, so once you have it working, you should be able to reproduce the plots shown in this script.

Histograms and image appearance

You will find three images whose names start with 2006-10-23-. Look at the histogram of each image to see how it tells you whether the image is under-exposed, over-exposed or well-exposed. This is one reason why most cameras for photography enthusiasts are able to plot histograms.

Using a different number of bins

Use from the first script on the image m51.png:

python m51.png
m51.png has 3 channels of size 510 rows x 320 columns with uint8 pixels.

If you are working in the Unix world, you should be able to display this image using the wonderful xv program:

xv m51.png

If you type the i key in the xv window, you will see that it reports the image as 320 x 510 pixels, the same values as The displayed image appears black but if you bring up xv's colour editor by hitting the e key and then click the button called Random, you will see that the image suddenly displays many colours. Something weird is clearly going on.

The cause of the weirdness is that m51.png has 16 bits/pixel, while OpenCV's imread expects there to be 8 bits/pixel by default; that's why it was reported as having uint8 pixels. This is a good example of OpenCV doing the wrong thing: it should read the image as a 16-bit one, or output some kind of warning, or throw an exception --- relying on the programmer or user to realize what is going on is poor library design. The solution to this particular problem is to tell imread that it can read non-8-bit images:

im = cv2.imread (sys.argv[1], cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)

However, this call doesn't work correctly for 8-bit colour images --- it seems that you have to know how the image you are reading is stored on disk, a real annoyance. I am sad to report that there are also many other gotchas with OpenCV that will bite you from time to time.

An 8-bit image has \(2^8=256\) possible grey level values, so a 16-bit one has \(2^{16}=65536\) --- certainly far too many to consider plotting on a histogram because it would be vastly wider than any computer monitor! In fact, even 256 bins is really too many: you can normally glean as much useful information from a histogram having only 64 bins.

Have a go at writing a routine

def better_histogram (im, bins=64):

which accepts the number of bins to be plotted as an argument as well as the image. You can either keep the same behaviour as histogram and make the lower limit zero, or find both the lower and upper limits and set up bins equally-sized bins between these two values. To help implement it, look at section 3.5 of the lecture notes --- and be sure to include a doctest in your routine to check that it works. Note that numpy's own histogram routine also allows you to specify the number of bins.

Segmenting images based on their histograms

Although histograms can be useful in their own right to vision developers as well as photographers, they are more often a means to an end as they can be used to perform segmentation, the separation of objects of interest from the surrounding background.

Plot the histogram of the image fruit.png. You will see that it shows two distinct peaks, one due to the dark-shaded pixels in the background and the other from the lighter ones in the foreground. The fruit shows quite a few different grey values because it is roughly spherical. You can set a threshold to distinguish the pixels in these two regions: any below the threshold will be deemed background and any above it foreground. It is useful for subsequent stages of a complete vision system if all the background pixels are set to zero and all the foreground ones to 255, giving a binarized image which identifies these two regions.

We can do the thresholding and binarization by a single OpenCV call

t, bim = cv2.threshold (im, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

where threshold is the threshold value you have chosen to separate foreground from background. This returns two values: t is the value of threshold and bim the binarized image.

Note that some vision tasks have objects of interest appearing darker than the background. In those cases, we do the thresholding in the same way but flip the meaning of light and dark regions. We shall see an example of this later in the script.

We are using cv2.threshold above in its simplest way: by changing the last argument in the call, it can be made to do adaptive thresholding or even compute a good threshold value itself (which is why it returns t). Your lecturer's view is that this is another example of bad library design: it would be easier to use if the different types of thresholding were provided by different routines.

Let us introduce this functionality into as:

def binarize (im, threshold, below=0, above=255):
"""Threshold monochrome image `im` at value `thresh`, setting pixels
with value below `thresh` to `below` and those with larger values to
`above`.  The resulting image is returned.

    im (image): image to be thresholded and binarized
    thresh (float): threshold value
    below (float): value to which pixels lower than `thresh` are set
    above (float): value to which pixels greater than `thresh` are set

    bim (image): binarized image

    >>> im = testimage1 ()
    >>> bim = binarize (im, 12, 7, 25)
    >>> print (bim.dtype)
    >>> print (bim)
    [[ 7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7]
     [ 7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7]
     [ 7  7 25 25  7  7  7  7 25  7]
     [ 7  7 25 25  7  7  7  7  7  7]
     [ 7  7 25 25  7  7  7  7  7  7]
     [ 7  7  7  7 25 25  7  7  7  7]
     [ 7  7  7  7 25 25  7 25  7  7]
     [ 7  7  7  7  7 25  7 25 25  7]
     [ 7 25 25  7  7  7  7 25  7  7]
     [ 7 25 25  7  7  7 25 25  7  7]
     [ 7 25 25  7  7  7  7  7  7  7]
     [ 7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7]
     [ 7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7]]

This should call the OpenCV thresholding routine as indicated above, then set all pixels with values below the threshold to below and all those above it to above. This gives the programmer a consistent way of handling situations in which the foreground is lighter or darker than the background. Note that this is tricky to get right: you may need a hand from a demonstrator to get the functionality exactly as specified above.

It will most likely save you some pain in the future if you check whether the image passed in to your binarize function is a single-channel one, generating an error message and either exiting if it isn't or converting it into a single-channel one: there was an OpenCV call to do this in the previous lab script.

Write a short program to read in fruit.png, threshold it, and display the segmented image. Experiment with some different values of threshold, chosen by reviewing its histogram to identify where it segments best.

Later lab scripts will lead you through using the binarized image to perform the classification of objects.

Non-examinable but interesting!

As a footnote, it is surprisingly difficult to get this binarization code absolutely correct. You will have seen that cv2.threshold always sets values below its threshold to zero, so if above is zero, my own implementation of binarize wouldn't work --- I should have tested for this when I wrote the routine but didn't. Here is a test that tripped the bug in my code:

    >>> im = testimage1 ()
    >>> bim = binarize (im, 12, 255, 0)
    >>> print (bim)
    [[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]
     [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]
     [255 255   0   0 255 255 255 255   0 255]
     [255 255   0   0 255 255 255 255 255 255]
     [255 255   0   0 255 255 255 255 255 255]
     [255 255 255 255   0   0 255 255 255 255]
     [255 255 255 255   0   0 255   0 255 255]
     [255 255 255 255 255   0 255   0   0 255]
     [255   0   0 255 255 255 255   0 255 255]
     [255   0   0 255 255 255   0   0 255 255]
     [255   0   0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]
     [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]
     [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]]

If you are picky about your code being absolutely correct, do have a go at making your binarize routine also pass this test. This approach of:

  1. adding a test that trips a bug to the series of tests for a routine
  2. fixing the bug
  3. checking that the new code passes all the tests

is known as regression testing. When I worked in industry, we had a test team whose job was to find holes in the code being produced by developers and regression testing was the way in which they did it. It's the best way I know of making your code absolutely correct.

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