A short quiz on convolution and friends

Adrian F. Clark

  1. What is a morphological grey-level expand?

  2. How does the time taken to perform a convolution vary with the dimension of a (square) mask?

  3. The Laplacean mask is useful for:

  4. What does a morphological opening tend to do?

  5. Given a white feature on a black background, how could you find its boundary?

  6. What is the effect of convolution with the following mask? $$\frac19 \pmatrix{1 & 1 & 1\cr 1 & 1 & 1\cr 1 & 1 & 1\cr}$$

  7. What is a morphological grey-level shrink?

  8. What is matched filtering?

  9. What is the most popular use of median filtering?

  10. What is a morphological opening?
