How many rows and columns are there in the image sx.jpg?
512 and 512.
What is the purpose of the doctest module?
To let you store unit tests in the top-of-routine documentation.
What values did your extrema routine return for testimage?
10, 15.
What underlying OpenCV routine does sxcv.display call to display an image?
Why were you asked to store the routines you develop in
So that you can use them later in vision application programs.
What does cv2.imread do if it cannot read an image?
It returns None.
How are images represented in OpenCV?
as numpy arrays
Where is the origin of an image in OpenCV?
the top left corner
What is the standard deviation?
The average spread of values from the mean.
What is sys.argv[1]?
The first space-separated word on the command line.